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In March 2021, NC State announced the formation of its first academy, focused on data science, to launch in July 2021. Its vision: data science is for everyone.

The Data Science Academy (DSA) is the first academy at NC State and supports all aspects of the university’s land-grant mission: research, teaching and outreach. The courses, consulting, research enablement and programming offered by the DSA reach all university colleges and facilitate conversations with communities beyond campus.

The DSA has programs or initiatives with multiple partners, including:

  • North Carolina Biotechnology Center
  • Science House
  • American Statistical Association (ASA)

Focus on Data Science

NC State is a leader in interdisciplinary teaching and learning, research and outreach. The university’s first academy reflects that leadership, signaling the importance of data science around and across campus.

With the Data Science Academy, NC State is better positioned than ever to make data science for everyone.

Data science is integrated in subject matter and research programs across all 10 NC State colleges and is part of our think and do mindset. At NC State, we believe data science is for everyone. – Chancellor Randy Woodson

The Data Science Academy will accelerate data-intensive discovery, teaching and service. The academy will be a key enabler for increasing skills, capability and involvement by faculty, students and staff, as well as industry and government partners. – Provost Warwick Arden