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Request a Consultation

The Data Science Academy Consulting Corps are not available in the summer. Data science support is available through the NC State Libraries' Data & Visualization Services, who may be contacted here:

Student Testimonials

As a graduate student navigating the complex world of data science and analytics, I’ve come to realize the importance of harnessing every available resource to excel in my studies. One resource I’ve discovered at NC State is the Data Science Academy and its team of skilled consultants. I recently needed their assistance for a group project in my MBA 551: Predictive Analytics for Business and Big Data class. Their support and guidance has allowed me to gain a better understanding of the concepts being taught in my coursework. ~Olivia, Class 2025

Get Help with Data

Please use this form to request support from that service. If you have a data, data science, or data visualization-related question, we’re here to help. Please provide as much detail about your specific problem as possible, and member of the Libraries or Data Science Academy will respond within two working days
